Shifting Our Mindset

In this episode of the Success Speaks podcast, we have delved deep into the concept of mindset and its pivotal role in shaping our achievements. We explored the definition of mindset, highlighted inspiring success stories, and provided you with practical tools and strategies to cultivate a growth or abundant mindset. Tune in as we share insights on how embracing such a mindset can lead to profound transformations and unlock a world of new possibilities.

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Unveiling the Path to Self-Mastery

In this episode of the Sunday Soulday podcast, I delve into the inspiration behind Infinite Mind Academy and its three foundational principles, which empower individuals through mindset and personal development coaching. The 3M’s—Mindset, Meditation, and Mindfulness—stand as pillars of Infinite Mind Academy. Additionally, we discuss the role of our subconscious mind programming, limiting beliefs, mental chatter, and repetitive life patterns in shaping our lives. Join us as we explore these transformative concepts in-depth.

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Following my true calling

In this episode of the Soul time podcast, I delved into my personal journey of transformation, stepping out of my comfort zone, and tapping into my true potential. I discussed the power of making conscious choices and decisions, taking bold steps, learning from failures, and unraveling the layers of subconscious programming that often hold us back. Additionally, Dr. Katja and I shared insights and ideas on what’s needed to strengthen students’ mindsets at school.

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Following The Divine Plan

We live in a world where we often meticulously plan our lives, believing we are in control. However, Divine plan and timing are always in play. In this episode, I delved into my transformative journey, discussing how the vision for Infinite Mind Academy was born and how the Divine plan led me to where I am today.
Tune in to explore how aligning with the Divine plan can shape our paths and lead us towards fulfilling our purpose.

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